When in doubt, begin.

Dr. Grimmett has 20+ years of experience in education, corporate, nonprofit, and governmental organizations. Services are customized to the client’s industry, with attention paid to organizational culture.

  • External Review

    Multi-day onsite or virtual observation. Typically involves engaging up to 50 stakeholders. Gain insight into what is going well, and uncover hidden challenges. Identify champions. Digest constructive feedback. Build solutions and garner resources.

  • DEI Training

    Multi-hour training on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Customized to any audience. Practice active listening. Leverage institutional knowledge to uncover untold history. Identify and mitigate implicit bias. Learn how to respond to racism and trauma.

  • Career Coaching

    Hourly consultation for personal career advancement. Overcome networking anxiety. Identify new pathways. Develop job leads and role clarity. Rebrand yourself. Identify transferable skills. Open new doors. Secure opportunities and increase assets.

  • Custom Solutions

    Hourly consultation on a strategic issue. We often misidentify the problem. Or have too many to know where to start. Begin with a conversation. Think out loud. Toss ideas out. Describe your challenges. Gather feedback. Pilot solutions. Iterate and scale.